A small, George III period, sterling silver creamer by London silversmith Robert Hennel I, with period monogram. The creamer features an intricate monogram under the lip which is likely an entwined 'AW' and is most probably from the date of manufacture. The handle of this piece has been repaired at some stage in its life and from its appearance it would seem to be an older repair. This particular piece has been assayed for London manufacture in 1784. Robert Hennel I was a member of the well regarded Hennel silversmithing family which began crafting in 1728 with David Hennel and ceased to manufacture silver in 1877 when the company was purchased from James Barclay Hennel by Holland, Aldwinckle & Slater. In total the Hennel family had been silversmiths for 159 years and operated under many entities in that time. This creamer is a charming piece of Georgian silver and by one of the most notable silversmithing families.
Marked - assay marks for London, 1784 & hallmark for Robert Hennell I
Measures - 10cm W x 6cm D x 13cm H (top of the handle)
Total weight of piece - 100 grams